Don't drop the soap! Because let's face it. The dreaded slammer we call The Stockades is a very nasty place and you really don't want any pubice hair on your soapbawr, right? right? Right, you either love or hate this place. Everybody that slacks from time to time has and will eventually walk in to bring pain in the form of massive AOE damage to poor bad guys that are locked there in with bad food and even worse clothing and weapons just so the good folks of Azeroth can feel safe when going to sleep. While the real baddies like William still walk free, seriously this guy has been steeling Donna's dolly for over five years now! Crazy huh! But ontopix: Let's roll.
I have crashed this party a fair few times now. From multibox leveling my alts to farming cloth to feed my hungry alts so they can level their First Aid to boosting guildies so they can get their quests done. It went fast and smooth, WHAM! BAM! THANK YOU MA'AM! I was in and out in a total of 9 minutes -hunter-. Bring a few frostweave bandages with you if you're playing a class without healing capacities and want it to have fast, efficient runs.
My modus operandi is simple. I run in one room, shoot a concussive shot in the neck of the guy that's in the back while running out of the room I aim for dude standing in the back of the opposite room and fire a regular auto shot. The reason for shooting only the mobs in the back and not killing them is because while they run to slice your throat they will also pull the rest of the gang that's standing there in that room fapping.
In order not to die you have to be able to fire an auto shot while on the move with only a split second of stopping and walking towards the next room. This is very crucial in one of the wings. Sure you can FD but you'll drop aggro and it won't be efficient. Hunters that have played when you had to weave will probably have no issue with this so they can disreguard the former. Do this untill the end of the wing. Get out of LoS by jumping behind the wall so the mobs all run in the room you're in; summon pet, feign death , lay an explosive trap and volley . They will all die on the first salvo. Loot, dismiss pet, bandage if needed and haul your ass towards the next wing. If you have the rocket boots it goes even faster.
Now I'm not sure which wing it was, I think it's the one leading to Dextren Ward; there are a few mobs that can ?shield slam? your ass on to the floor , be carefull there. If you're a new 80 with crap gear you can easily die there from overpulling.
Cash drops from the mobs (2)
from grays, food, meat and pots (1.8) -you can earn more if you choose to AH it-
4 stacks of Woolen Cloth 3g/stack (12)
4 stacks Linnen Cloth 2g/stack (8)
10 Silk Cloth 4g/stack (2)
Which makes a grand total of 25 gold 80 silver per run. That's roughly 130g per hour
With Enchanting 5-50 gold more. On my realm Strange Dust often goes as high as 10-25g a stack.
Rare Drops There are a few BOE blue world drops that I have looted in here that could bring in some extra paper. Twinking isn't what it used to be, so there isn't much market for it nowadays. You won't sell them for 300-1000g like back in the day. Chances are you will still be able to find buyers in the form of wealthy alts that are willing to pay 50-150g for it. They drop rarely, I'd say one in ten runs.
Icecold Milk lmao
Ta ta.
Music: The Arcade Fire - Haïti
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
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