So 4.0.3 came around and changed Dire Maul, the tribute run has been changed, the Crescent Key is gone, so no need for it anymore. You can enter without, except from the Lariss Pavillion, that one still requires a key, which will probably be fixed with Cata. To pull off the Tribute Run, you only need Gordok Courtyard Key, which can be looted from the chest of Guard Fengus. The gate upstairs doesn't require a key anymore.
If you're not an enchanter or have someone in the group that is one , doing this is pretty much pointless because the Large Radiant Shards from that disenchant from the blue gear that drops off King Gordok and the Tribute Chest are the sole reason for doing this and is the only money maker for this run.
Watch for aggro.
Especially the classes that have no abilities that will drop aggro; you have to be extra carefull around the bosses if you don't wish the tribute loot to suck even more.
Ogre Suits
This quest has been nerfed also, it no longer gives reputation with the goblins, but also does not require any items other than the Ogre Tannin that you can find sitting on your way from Guard Slip'kik to Captain KromCrush. I'd advice you to do this AFTER getting the tribute, while running back. Looting the tannin spawns an Ogre than runs down the ramp you're supposed to be following towards the next phase. Get the tannin, give it to the Goblin and receive your Gordok Ogre Suit.
Killing time
You probably know this already. You can only run 5 instances per hour. For me the tribute runs took around 4-7 minutes because I have the Aspect of the Cheater and a secret cult of secret Gnomes that live in a secret place in a secret land on top of a secret mountain have taught me a how to secretly run faster. So you can choose to run 4 runs at full speed and the last run killing all adds for they drop loads of Mageweave Cloth and other green goodies that you can disenchant. If you are a skinner; the hyenas around Guard Mol'dar have been nerfed in level, so they probably yield loads of Thick Leather and some Rugged Leather.
On average I would get 2 blue items from the boss and 4 items from the tribute box, sometimes even 6, but we're taking averages.
6 x Blue gear/weaponry > 6 Large Radiant Shards = 6 x 15g = 90g
1 x Gordok Ogre Suit = 20g
Grey trash and consumables = 2g
That makes it 112g per run and over 550g per hour
Ta ta.
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
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